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A Spectacular Celebration of Hawaiian Culture

What is Luau?

Discover the essence of Luau, an enchanting Hawaiian tradition that blends music, dance, and feasting

At its core, Luau is a vibrant celebration deeply rooted in Hawaiian culture. It is a feast for the senses, showcasing the captivating music, mesmerizing dances, and delicious cuisine of the islands.


The Forgotten Warriors Luau brings this extraordinary experience to life, inviting you on an unforgettable journey into the heart of Hawaii.


Embrace the Spirit of Aloha

Forgotten Warriors Luau

Forgotten Warriors Luau is a premier luau experience that captivates visitors with its authenticity and heartfelt hospitality. Step into a world where traditions come alive, and the spirit of aloha embraces you. Here are the highlights that await you at our luau

Igniting the Night Sky

Fire Knife Dance

Prepare to be awestruck by the spellbinding fire knife dance, an exhilarating performance that ignites the night sky.


Our talented fire dancers showcase their bravery and skill, leaving you mesmerized by their daring feats. Feel the heat and energy as they twirl and spin, creating an unforgettable spectacle

Telling Stories through Movement

Traditional Hula Dance

The hula dance is a revered art form in Hawaii, where stories and legends are conveyed through fluid movements and expressive gestures.

Our skilled hula dancers will transport you to a world of ancient tales, enchanting you with their grace and elegance. Experience the magic as they bring the stories of Hawaii to life.

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A Gastronomic Delight

Exquisite Island Cuisine


Forgotten Warriors Luau delivers a culinary experience that will delight your taste buds.

Feast on mouthwatering dishes infused with the vibrant flavors of Hawaii, from succulent roasted pig to fresh island fruits. Immerse yourself in the local culinary traditions and experience a true gastronomic delight.


Meet our culture Experts

Api was born and raised on the island of Fiji before attending BYU Hawaii to study Cultural Anthropology and Performing Arts.

In his 28 years at the world famous Polynesian Cultural Center, Api worked as a dancer, demo guide, musician, and cultural instructor, and is credited with the choreography and composition of their Fijian performances.

Api has had the privilege to travel much of the world as a Polynesian cultural performer and instructor. He is happily married to Sulu Toro with 6 sons.


Api Tora

Samoan cultural consultant Seiuli Faanana Tuiafelolo Tafaoimalo Kiri Fualautoalasi is an active Matai (Chief) in the village of Sapapalii, Savaii, and the district of Falealili, Upolu, Samoa. He was educated at Samoa College, HPU, and BYU specializing in History and Political Science, as well as a Polynesian Cultural Center Dancer.

“(Ua)Ia ola i fale le laau a Nafanua” – the club of the War Goddess Nafanua (shall) become effective.

“I pray for this project to succeed not only in entertaining visitors and our children but also in educating them about the historical aspects of war that have been suppressed and sentimentalized for far too long.”


Kiri Fualautoalasi

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